For a trained eye, finding a genuine product from a counterfeit one might be a piece of cake, but for anyone else, it is a difficult task. Unless one belongs to the particular industry in question, the ability to distinguish two products with similar appearances as being genuine and fake is next to impossible. The manufacture of such products not only creates a great amount of distrust for the customer but also a sense of hopelessness for both the consumers as well as the retailers. With the rising demand, the issue with counterfeit products has been a crucial one, especially for plywood manufacturers. Plywood deemed to possess properties like water resistance or fire protection is simply low-grade plywood that is dipped in paint solution to fool the customer.

To provide a solution to this problem, one of the most trusted plywood manufacturers in the nation, CenturyPly came up with a solution. With the intent to ensure that all its customers get the value for money that they deserve, CenturyPly launched CenturyPromise as a commendable solution.

CenturyPromise is an application that can be downloaded from the Play Store as well as App Store.The CenturyPromise application allows a customer to help in differentiating an original CenturyPly product from a fake one. Basically, every CenturyPly product is manufactured with a unique QR code which creates a differentiating factor for an original CenturyPly product from a fake one. This situation is true even when a customer purchases products in bulk.

The CenturyPromise application is quite simple to use and it uses the unique QR code to help the user determine the genuineness of the plywood purchased by them. The application works on a single step process, the user simply needs to sign in the application or create an account if they are usin the application for the first time. After that using the inbuilt code scanner in the application, the user needs to scan the QR code from their product and the application then displays whether the plyboard is an original CenturyPly product or if it is a duplicate. Along with this, it will also provide the details of the factory where the plyboard was manufactured. In case of any issue with the QR code scanner, the user can also add the required code in the CenturyPromise application manually. The CenturyPromise application is thereby a quick and easy way to find if the customer is actually getting the premium quality products that they have been promised.

The Century Promise application is also useful for downloading the e-warranty certificate for the products purchased by them, thereby allowing the customer a hassle free way to access their card for future purposes. The application is free of cost and is compatible for both smartphone as well as tablet devices.

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